Conserving water in hydroponics with a closed-loop reservoir. Image via San Diego Hydroponics & Organics.
Conserving water in hydroponics with a closed-loop reservoir. Image via San Diego Hydroponics & Organics.
In hydroponics, water is held in a reservoir and recirculated through pumps to continuously deliver a steady stream of nutrient solution to the plant’s roots. This means that a water is not lost into the ground like it would be in traditional agriculture.
In indoor growing, artificial lights must be used to recreate natural growing conditions. Using horticultural lights efficiently with the boost from ballasts and reflectors can not only provide the necessary growth requirement but can also provide heat benefits. A controlled environment mitigates heat and energy loss, and adds a dual purpose to the required grow lights.
In an air-sealed growing room, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, and Co2 generators work together to recirculate the indoor air and adjust it to the right level for perfect plant growth. Proper control and monitoring means that the right air quality is always achievable with limited energy waste.
For those concerned about the impact that traditional food production has on our human health and our environment, it’s clear that hydroponics offers a multitude of practical and sustainable solutions for closed-loop indoor food production.Urban Organics in St. Paul, uses aquaponics technology to create a closed-loop indoor food production factory. Image via Urban Organics.
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