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How MakerBot and 3Dponics are Sparking Interest in Hydroponics

Building your own hydroponics system just became even more educational and fun. The 3Dponics Customizer  is now a

The MakerBot 3Dponics Customizer designs print-ready components such as funnels, clamps, joints, and more. Image via MakerBot.

How the App Works

Using the app is very simple. Just follow these steps:

  1. Download 3Dponics Customizer for free
  2. Tinker with the digital designs for the original 3Dponics parts to create ones that suit your indoor garden
  3. Save the new files so that they automatically save to your MakerBot Fifth Generation Replicator
  4. Connect your 3D printer to a WiFi connection
  5. Open the Library
  6. Access the MakerBot-Ready Apps portal
  7. Select 3Dponics Customizer, which will bring you to a list of your ready-to-print, customized parts!


With this partnership comes several benefits. For one, you can design and print the parts you want for your garden in mere minutes and without trouble.

3Dponics as a MakerBot-Ready App is also expected to spark more interest in hydroponics and indoor gardening, particularly among 3D printing enthusiasts and techies.

What’s more, access to 3D printers in classrooms will only become more prevalent, and there’s a need for a sustainable and simple project for K-12 teachers to assign their students. Using the app encourages students to get creative, while building and operating the system incorporates lessons in sustainability and science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.

It’s no secret that urban farming has many benefits, so the easier and more fun we make it for people to get involved, the better!

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