Many of us are aware of the growing concern over our continued disconnect with our food supply. When I grew up, food production wasn’t really ever talked of. Carrots are grown in soil? It wasn’t something I’d ever even stopped to think of. As far as I was concerned, food was something that I got dragged to the grocery to pick out with my mom and then it magically appeared on my plate in an edible form. Where it all came from and how it was prepared wasn’t even an afterthought in my mind. Agriculture was regarded solely as an enterprise; from growing, to harvesting, to shipping, to selling, and all the way to consuming. Why would we concern ourselves with what essentially was a business we had no part of being involved in?
Many people my age or near my age are coming to the realization that this was a major gap in our upbringing. Yet, food is vital to our survival so why wasn’t it emphasized in our childhood education? Because as it turns out, our involvement in the food production process has a direct impact on our health as a society. It affects our social fabric, our wellbeing, and our environment. Not to mention food production accounts for a massive segment of our economy. This means that there are growing business opportunities for individuals interested in pursuing food production as a career.
We have countless reasons to become more involved in our food system. And this is where I believe hydroponic technology is a feasible solution in minimizing the disconnect and repositioning food at the forefront of our social priorities.
Teams like Green Towers are the faces of the modern day farming revolution, bringing urban food production to the forefront of social issues.
The Faces of Modern Day Food Production
The delicious irony in all of this is that despite the fact that, in general, Generation Y began life with a noticeable disconnect from food production, it’s in fact this very generation that’s bringing hydroponic gardening to the forefront as a way to secure our food supply.
When I look around at many of the companies that are manufacturing these gardens, it’s clear that the majority of them are ambitious, passionate Millennials who want a better future for their young or unborn children. They’re health-conscious, environmentally-aware, and entrepreneurially-driven. These teams of urban gardeners are driving the beginning of a farming revolution. They are the faces of modern day food production and we couldn’t be more proud to share their stories.