Health & Social Benefits of Indoor Gardening


Indoor gardening is becoming quite popular among urban dwellers. And it’s no wonder as education about the many benefits of gardening and plant life has been prolific as of late. Rates of depression, anxiety, obesity, respiratory disorders and many other chronic illnesses are increasing among those living in urban areas. General concern over public health and social stability is growing. Thankfully, gardening is a terrific preventative measure which can be taken relatively easily, and generates incredible health and social benefits.

Here are some of the most amazing benefits of keeping an indoor garden:

1. Plants improve our air quality by filtering toxins that get trapped indoors.

2. The improved air quality lowers risk of respiratory disorders, as well as chronic headaches and eye irritation.

3. Plants teach us how to be attentive and responsive to their needs. This improves our levels of empathy and compassion.

4. Research in environmental psychology has shown that a connection with plants improves human mental wellbeing as well as productivity levels.

5. An indoor garden can provide you with fresh kitchen ingredients.


The Woolly Pocket is an indoor gardening solution for urban dwellers. Image via Woolly Pocket.

6. Growing your own food reduces our risk of chemical ingestion which you find in foods that have been transported to your local grocery store.

7. Gardening is an excellent conversation starting point in gaining more attention about the need for improving our environmental impact.

8. In an indoor environment, gardening is a lot less maintenance and plants are relatively safe from pests and disease.

9. There are countless automated indoor gardening systems for you to choose from which are cost effective and low-maintenance.

Indoor Gardening Methods

To start your own indoor garden you may wish to pursue some soilless gardening systems such as:

All of these methods of growing indoors are available in compact, space-saving systems which are completely automated. Many of these units are designed to conserve water and energy and maximize the growth of your indoor garden. These are excellent beginner options for those with busy lifestyles.

Check out this list of available systems designed for the home or office.Feature Image: The Modern Sprout Planter is a countertop indoor gardening system perfect for the home or office. Image via Modern Sprout.

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