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An Organic Passion for Plant Growth

Urban gardeners are on the hunt for unique and organic products to use to grow their own produce. Worm castings are one of the urban gardening products that growers are using to produce healthier crops. These “vermicast” products have been growing in popularity as the education surround the benefits of worm castings has increased.

Dan Storm is one of the industry’s leading proponents of vermicast products is passionate about helping farmers, gardeners, and landscapers alike achieve more efficient and healthier plant growth. Dan is the owner of ProRganix, a manufacturer of an innovative vermicompost product, and was also heavily influenced by his Cherokee grandfather while growing up. Dan’s grandfather taught him the value of earthworms and how their natural bi-products are an effective and all-natural soil additive. He and his grandfather developed a special bond as Dan had begun to shown great interest in gardening. And so it was that this man of wisdom passed down his knowledge of vermicomposting to his grandson.

After his grandfather’s passing, Dan took it upon himself to teach other family members and friends how to vermicompost. He believed so strongly in the benefits of the product that he felt this was the perfect way to honor his grandfather. Despite the economic downturn, Dan remained with vermicompost production with the faith that it would turn into something one day that could make his family proud.

Dan taught his mother how to vermicompost and after her passing in February of 2013, Dan decided not to give up hope. He believed in the value of the product he was providing and felt rewarded knowing that he helped people with their gardens and contributed to healthy plant growth.

Despite challenges and criticism from friends and others, Dan continued to produce vermicompost because not only did he believe it was the right thing to do, but he also enjoyed it. Dan is now producing 100+ tons of vermicast per week and is seeking distribution so that consumers may experience the benefits of his product and increase their plant growth. Synthetic and hormone-free, ProRganix’s manufacturing process means the end result is organic and aids in plant growth and health.

To learn more about ProRganix visit their Facebook page.

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