17 Reasons To Grow Your Own Food


It’s hard to believe there’s still debate over whether or not it’s important to know how our food is being produced and where it’s coming from. Are we really still having this conversation?

Cue eyeroll…

And/or facepalm…

So if you’re already buying organic or you’re trying to buy locally as much as possible, you might also be considering attempting to grow your own food. PowerHouse Hydroponics has lots of great information on how you start growing your own food but here’s a snapshot of why. Because the why is what is really going to push people over the edge and compel them to go for it. These are just some of my own reasons but feel free to send in yours and I will add them to the list!

If you grow your own food you will:

1. Help reduce global water consumption

2. Contribute to a reduction in pollution

3. Prevent further habitat destruction

4. Avoid harmful pest control chemicals

5. Eat healthier and fresher foods

6. Eat what’s in season

7. Save money

8. Add your own greenery to the city

9. Reduce harmful water runoff

10. Reconnect with nature

11. Gain an appreciation for the value of food production

12. Reduce personal waste by purchasing less packaged goods

13. Use your vegetable garden as a peaceful getaway

14. Have fun trying out different grow mediums

15. Receive incentives depending on your city’s programs and potentially be able to provide the community with food as well

16. Give the bees more plants to pollinate

17. Know with 100% confidence that what you’re putting in your body is all-natural organic produce

If you want to get started growing your own food then have a look at our articles on gardening in small urban spaces using living walls, containers, or hydroponics. You can even start growing your own food from kitchen scraps. You could also try vertical or rooftop gardens depending on how much space you have.

The important thing is that you now know the amazing benefits from growing your own food and that it’s easy enough to get started no matter where you live with these 17 reasons to grow your own food! Check out the Urban Organic Gardener’s Virgin Veggie Formula to determine which are the best plants for you to start growing right now in your climate.

Feature Image: Urban farming and growing your own food, courtesy Nourish.


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